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Hands On Technology Transfer

HTML and Bootstrap Training Course

Attend face-to-face, remote-live, on-demand or on site at your facility

On-Demand Training with Personal Facilitation

Website Development with HTML5, CSS and Bootstrap

Delivery Options: Attend face-to-face in the classroom, remote-live or via on-demand training.


Face-to-face or remote-live: CDN$3,275

On-demand: CDN$1,975

Discounts: We offer multiple discount options. Click here for more informaiton.


Face-to-face or remote-live: 5 Days

On-demand: Approximately 35 hours of coursework with personal facilitation, to be completed in a four week span.


Face-to-face: Click here to view our schedules and register for in-person sessions.

Remote-live: Click here to register for live remote class sessions within a date range of your choosing.

On-demand: Click here to register for on-demand training with personal facilitation, on a start date of your choosing.

Students Will Learn

  • Creating a valid HTML document
  • Using various tags to markup text
  • Creating and using CSS to format the appearance of an HTML document
  • Using HTML5 semantic elements to define the structure of a page
  • Changing the appearance of elements in a document with type, id, class and attribute selectors
  • Creating CSS3 effects such as drop shadows, text shadows and using custom fonts
  • Creating ordered, unordered and description lists
  • Displaying images on a Web page
  • Creating hyperlinks using text or images
  • Using the a tag to create anchors in a page
  • Creating animations using transitions, transforms and animations
  • Displaying information using an HTML table
  • Including forms in an HTML document
  • Validating forms using HTML5 features
  • Defining a CSS3 grid layout
  • Adding video and audio to a Web page
  • Building a Web page using the Bootstrap grid system
  • Using Bootstrap to style links, buttons and form controls
  • Adding components to a page such as dropdowns, thumbnails, alerts and glyphicons

Course Description

This hands on course provides a thorough introduction to the creation of a Website using HTML, CSS and Bootstrap. The course starts with thorough coverage of HTML and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and progresses to using the Bootstrap framework to create mobile-friendly websites.

Topics include use of HTML5 semantic tags, block-level and inline elements, creating links, ordered and unordered lists, creation of tables and forms. Students will learn to attach CSS to a page using several different techniques, CSS selectors and pseudo-classes, CSS box model, and a variety of CSS properties.

Students will learn how to create a Bootstrap page utilizing the grid system, implement commonly used components (such as dropdowns and navigation bars), use Bootstrap's CSS classes to format page elements and use Bootstrap's plugins to add tabs, modals and accordions to a page.

Comprehensive hands on exercises are integrated throughout to reinforce learning and develop real competency.

Course Prerequisites

Basic personal computer skills and basic Internet knowledge.

Course Overview

HTML Fundamentals
  • HTTP Requests and Responses
  • Static vs. Dynamic Pages
  • Tag and Attribute Fundamentals
  • Document Structure
    • Understanding <DOCTYPE>
    • Creating a Page Title
    • Indicating the Character Set
    • <head> and <body> Tags
  • Browser Support
    • HTML5 Shiv
    • CSS Reset
    • Conditional Comments
  • Using Data Attributes
Structuring an HTML Document
  • Adding Headings
  • Adding Paragraphs
  • Working with the <div> Tag
  • Adding Quotes to a Page
  • HTML5 Semantic Tags
    • <header>, <footer>, <nav>, <article>, <section>
  • Adding Meters and Progress Bars
  • Defining Hyperlinks
  • Creating Anchors within a Page
  • Creating an E-mail Link
Formatting Text
  • Using Inline Tags
    • <b>, <i>, <strong>, <em>
  • Using the <span> and <mark> Tags
  • Defining Inline Styles
    • Changing Text Color
    • Changing Font Characteristics
    • Changing Horizontal Alignment
  • Using Character Entities
Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
  • Overview of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
  • Creating CSS Rules
  • Setting CSS Properties
    • Working with Colors
    • Units of Measurement (px, em, %)
    • Working with Fonts
  • Defining Type Selectors
  • Defining Class and ID Selectors
  • Using Attribute Selectors
  • Grouping and Combining Selectors
  • Linking to External Style Sheets
  • Embedded Style Sheets
  • Overriding Styles with !important
CSS Properties
  • Text-Related Properties
    • text-decoration, color, line-height
  • Font-Related Properties
    • font-family, font-size, font-weight
  • Background-Related Properties
    • background-color, background-image, background-position
  • Using @font-face to Add Custom Fonts
  • Changing the Opacity of Text and Images
  • Creating Gradients
    • Linear Gradients
    • Repeating Linear Gradients
    • Radial Gradients
    • Repeating Radial Gradients
  • Creating Rounded Corners, Adding Shadows to Boxes and Using Images as Borders
CSS Box Model
  • Positioning Elements
    • Static, Absolute and Relative
    • Controlling z-index
    • Floating and Clearing Elements
  • Visual Effects
    • Setting visibility and display
    • Using overflow and clip Properties
    • Setting Vertical Alignment
  • Box-Related Properties
    • margin, padding, border
  • Setting the Size of an Element
CSS Selectors and Pseudo-Classes
  • Relational Selectors
    • Descendant
    • Direct-Child
    • General Sibling
    • Adjacent Sibling
  • Pseudo-Classes and Elements
    • Styling Links with :link, :visited, :active, :hover
    • Adding Content with :before and :after
  • Attribute Selectors
    • "Starts With" Selector
    • "Ends With" Selector
    • "Contains" Selector
  • Selecting the nth Element
  • Selecting the nth of a Type

CSS Transforms, Transitions and Animations

  • Using Transforms
    • Rotating 2D Elements
    • Scaling 2D Elements
    • Translating 2D Elements
    • Skewing 2D Elements
  • Configuring a Transition
    • Delaying the Start of a Transition
    • Changing the Speed of a Transition
  • Creating an Animated Menu
  • Animating Buttons with Transitions
  • Using Animations
    • Controlling the Direction of an Animation
    • Controlling the State of an Animation
    • Changing the Speed of an Animation
  • Using the animation Property
Working with Lists
  • Types of Lists
    • Ordered Lists
    • Unordered Lists
    • Description Lists
  • Creating List Items Using the <li> Tag
  • Creating Nested Lists
  • Using CSS to Style a List
  • Using Lists to Create a Navigation Menu
  • Using CSS Counters
    • Incrementing a Counter
    • Creating Nested Counters
Adding Images to a Page
  • Discussion of Common Image Formats
  • Displaying Images on a Web Page
    • Using src and alt Attributes
    • Sizing an Image Using width and height Attributes
  • Common Uses of Images
    • Image Thumbnails
    • Favicons
    • Image Rollovers
  • Working with Client-Side Image Maps
  • Using Icon Fonts
Displaying Information in Tables
  • Adding Tables to a Page
  • Working with <table>, <tr>, <td>, <th> and <caption> Elements
  • Creating Nested Tables
  • Grouping Table Content
  • Using CSS to Style a Table
    • Controlling Table Borders
    • border-collapse and border-spacing Properties
  • Using rowspan and colspan Attributes
Working with Forms
  • Defining a Form
  • Using Common Form Attributes
    • action, method, enctype, autocomplete, novalidate
  • Input Elements
    • email, url, tel, search
  • Understanding Form Submission
  • Adding <label> and <fieldset> Elements
  • Single-line and Multi-line Text Fields
  • Radio Buttons and Checkboxes
  • Dropdown and Selection Lists
  • Submit, Reset and Push Buttons
  • Using Form-Related Pseudo Classes and Elements
  • Controlling Form Layout Using CSS and Tables
Form Validation
  • Form Validation Overview
    • Client-Side Validation
    • Server-Side Validation
  • Overview of Form Security
  • Validating Input Length Using minlength and maxlength Attributes
  • Using the pattern Attribute to Specify Regular Expressions
  • Validation-Related Pseudo-Classes
Using CSS for Page Layout
  • Using CSS for Page Layout
    • 2 Column Fixed Layout
    • 3 Column Fixed Layout
    • 2 Column Fluid Layout
  • Using CSS Grid Layout
    • Defining Grid Columns
    • Defining Grid Row
    • Positioning Rows and Columns
    • Using Grid Areas
    • Adding Spacing Between Rows and Columns
    • Aligning the Grid Container
    • Aligning Grid Items
    • Defining a Nested Grid
Audio and Video
  • Browser Support for Audio/Video Formats
    • Supplying Fallbacks
  • Creating Audio Effects with HTML5 <audio> Elements and Attributes
  • Adding Video with HTML5 <video> Elements and Attributes
  • <source> Elements
Bootstrap Overview
  • Overview of Mobile First Design
  • CSS3 Media Queries
  • Downloading Bootstrap
  • Customizing Bootstrap
  • Adding Custom CSS to Bootstrap
Bootstrap Grid System
  • Working with Grids
  • Defining Rows, Containers and Columns
  • Offsetting Columns
  • Creating Nested Columns
  • Changing Column Order
Bootstrap Base CSS
  • Overview of Bootstrap's Base CSS
  • Using Helper Classes and Responsive Utilities
  • Working with Typography Classes
  • Formatting Lists
  • Formatting Tables
    • Creating a Striped Table
    • Creating a Responsive Table
  • Enhancing the Appearance of Forms
    • Displaying Inline Forms
    • Displaying Horizontal Forms
  • Formatting Images
    • Creating Responsive Images
  • Styling Links and Buttons
Bootstrap Components
  • Overview of Bootstrap Components
  • Using Glyphicons to Add Symbols to Buttons and Links
  • Creating Dropdowns
  • Creating Navigation
    • Tabbed Navigation
    • Pill Navigation
    • Navigation Bars
    • Collapsible Navigation Bars
    • Breadcrumbs
  • Grouping Inputs, Buttons and Lists
  • Formatting Page Headers
  • Creating Panels
    • Grouping Panels
    • Creating a Thumbnail Gallery
  • Creating Progress Bars and Alerts
Bootstrap Plugins
  • Plugin Overview
  • Creating Tabbed Navigation
  • Creating a Slideshow Using the Carousel Plugin
  • Using Accordions to Display a Large Amount of Content
  • Adding a Dialog Box Using the Modal Plugin
  • Displaying Secondary Information Using Popovers or Tooltips

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The instructor was amazing and super helpful. He covered an incredible amount of ground in an amazingly short time. The transition from topic to topic was seamless as each topic builds upon the previous one. Course definitely recommended. Thank you!
— R.S., U.S. Election Assistance Commission

This was a great workshop. HOTT was very accommodating with my travel necessities. Very impressive. I am sincerely looking forward to my next workshop (PHP) in a couple of weeks.
— K.M., Medtexx Medical Corporation

Course Schedule

Choose a city below to view a schedule of courses. Attend regularly scheduled classes across Canada, or attend via our Remote-Live and On-Demand training options.